Adult Sunday School Class
We gather in the family room (close to the gym) and via ZOOM for those who can’t physically attend the class. Charles Bello (our coaching pastor) teaches and leads the discussion around topics pertinent to the Christian life. Presently Charles is teaching a series called “Mapping our Spiritual Journey.” This class explores the spiritual journey we all take in our response to God’s invitation to follow him. Among the topics we will discuss are: the struggle to find meaning and wholeness, the crisis of values and identify, and the deepening of our relationship with ourselves and God. Charles will be drawing from a number of resources including, “The Critical Journey” and “Invitation to a Journey.” Elements of this series have shown up in some of Charles’ preaching over the years, but this will be an opportunity to explore this material in more detail with room for discussion and questions.
Study notes for this class and updated information about the Sunday school Class can be found on the Crestwood Vineyard Sunday School Facebook page under the “Files” tab.
We practice “social distancing” in the class and for those who cannot attend in person, you can join us via ZOOM.
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Sunday Services 10:30am
2515 NW 16th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
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