Our Sunday worship service starts at 10:30 and ends around 12:00. Join us at our beautiful, historic facility located at 2515 NW 16th St on the corner of NW 16th and Villa in OKC.
New here? Grab some coffee, tea, or water in the coffee room and bring it with you in the sanctuary where you will be greeted by some friendly faces!
Come as you are
All people are welcome at Crestwood—just as you are! You will find a diversity of people from various backgrounds in our congregation. Dress is casual, so feel free to dress up or dress down however you prefer to worship. Our desire at Crestwood Vineyard is that you find a place to discover Jesus together with us.
Bring your kids!
Children are valued in God’s kingdom! CV Kids classes are offered for children from birth through grade 5 every Sunday except for the 4th Sundays of the month. If you prefer to keep your children with you in the worship service, they are welcome to remain in the sanctuary with you. Learn more about CV Kids »
What to Expect on Sundays
You can expect each Sunday morning service to include 5 major components:
- Worship – Feel free to sit or stand, raise your hands, or quietly enjoy the worship songs.
- Teaching from the Bible – One of our preaching team members explores what God has to say to us today through the Scriptures.
- Communion – We celebrate the sacrament of communion (also called Eucharist) every Sunday. All people are welcome to join in communion at Crestwood Vineyard, though you are welcome to decline to participate.
- Ministry time – This may look like sharing prophetic words, praying for healing, or sharing testimonies.
Parking and entrances
Parking is available from 16th St, 17th St, or Villa. Greeters are available to assist you at the doors.
CV Kids checkin stations can be found at both the sanctuary foyer or in the CV Kids lobby.
If you are disabled, park in the 16th St. parking lot in the handicapped spots and enter through the Accessible Entrance.
Sunday Services 10:30am
2515 NW 16th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
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Crestwood Vineyard is part of the Vineyard movement, a global association of 2,500 churches around the world.
For more information, visit Vineyard USA or Vineyard Global.