Our highest aim as a community is to discover Jesus and make him known, both in our neighborhoods and in the nations.
We affirm all the major creeds of the Church, including the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Chalcedonian Creed.
Read the Vineyard’s Core Values and Beliefs, and Statement of Faith.
Our History
Crestwood Vineyard was planted in 2013 after God spoke clearly to our leadership team that it was time to plant a new Vineyard church in Oklahoma City. We began as five couples meeting in a home, seeking to respond to God’s word to plant a church, and using Isaiah 61 as our guiding blueprint. Among the initial launch members were our current pastors Brian and Jeanine Blount and Charles and Dianna Bello.
We were honored to have been gifted the beautiful historic Crestwood Baptist church building. We believe that we are building on the faithfulness of the generations of Crestwood Baptist members who worked diligently to build this facility, sow into this neighborhood, and pray for the fruitfulness of this faith community. This building was named in decades past “Crestwood the Beautiful.” We believe that people will call Crestwood beautiful again—not only the building, but the ministry that flows outside of its walls and into the community around us through the people who call this church home.
Our Movement
Crestwood Vineyard is a part of the Association of Vineyard Churches. The Vineyard family of over 2,500 churches is committed to the multiplication of kingdom- and God-minded, Christ-centered communities of local churches in nations across the world. For more info about the Vineyard visit vineyardusa.org. The Vineyard affirms the role of both men and women in every area of church leadership.
Sunday Services 10:30am
2515 NW 16th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
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Crestwood Vineyard is part of the Vineyard movement, a global association of 2,500 churches around the world.
For more information, visit Vineyard USA or Vineyard Global.