Drawn Away Women’s Retreat
November 4th, 9am-5pm
We’ve been given intimate access to the heart of God, and when we draw near to him, he will draw near to us.
Women’s Drawn Away is a prayer retreat devoted to resting, connecting, and listening to the words of Jesus spoken over his beloved bride. The day is loosely scheduled around worship, prayer, the Word, and soaking in the presence of God.
The formal activities will start 9 am Saturday and go to 5pm. We will be at St. Crispins retreat center in Wewoka. (www.stcrispin.org) It is about an hour from the city. So if you want to come and go just for the day that is an option. If you want to come the night (Friday) before that also is an option. Breakfast will be available for those that spend the night. Lunch will be provided.
Saturday only including lunch: $20
Saturday breakfast: $11
Friday accommodation
$93.00 single occupancy, per night
$71.00 double occupancy per person, per night ($143 per night)
Please don’t let cost keep you from coming. Let me know if you want participate but can’t afford it.
More details will be sent out closer to the date.
Please sign up by October 2nd.
Already praying for you,
Jan Miller