Becoming Better Neighbors
A weekend with the VUSA Hispanic Association: Sept 9-10
We are seeking God’s heart for how we are to partner with him to serve the hispanic community around us. Please plan to join us on Sept 9-10 as a Ruben Quintero and Mauricio Villamizar of the Vineyard USA Hispanic Association come to pray with us, counsel us, and encourage us as we love our neighbors.
Saturday, Sept 9 – 1:30-3:30pm – Interest meeting for anyone who wants to be involved in outreach to our community
Sunday, Sept 10 – ALL CHURCH potluck lunch after church followed by a workshop on how to be a good neighbor in the Hispanic community, ending at approximately 2pm.
Following the workshop, anyone who wants to join is encouraged to meet us at Scissortail Park for a time of prayer for our city with Ruben and Mauricio.
Meet Rubén Quintero, leader of the Hispanic Association
Rubén is the leader of the Hispanic Association for Vineyard USA. As the Hispanic Association leader, he serves by representing and advocating for the Hispanic community in the Vineyard movement so they can be cared for and grow as leaders and pastors for their local churches.
Rubén also is the senior pastor of the Imperial Valley Vineyard, a church that he and his family planted in 2009 in the city of El Centro, CA. Rubén is committed to serve the community of immigrants, especially the agricultural field workers in his region. He is a chaplain for a private harvesting company. He and his church have been part of the Iberia Partnership since 2011, giving support to the Vineyard churches in Spain and Portugal.
Rubén is happily married to Vaneza, and they have 3 wonderful boys – Rubén (16), David (14), and Iván (12).