David and Becky Bish

David and Becky Bish

« Back David and Becky Bish Board of Elders David and Becky are members of our Board of Elders. Becky is one of our mentors for Whiz Kids, and David can often be found in the church working on our long to-do list to keep our facility lovely. Email Becky Email...
Charles and Dianna Bello

Charles and Dianna Bello

« Back Charles and Dianna Bello Board of Elders Charles was Crestwood Vineyard’s founding pastor and currently serves as our Coaching pastor. He and Dianna are on our Board. Email Charles and Dianna Contact Sunday Services 10:30am 2515 NW 16th St. Oklahoma...
Avenues of Grace

Avenues of Grace

« Back Avenues of Grace Contemplative practices that root us in the love of God Contemplative Prayer is one of the ways the historical church has taught Christians how to rest and grow in the love of God. Each week Charles Bello discusses a different aspect of...
Jamie Hite

Jamie Hite

« Back Jamie Hite CV Kids Director Email Jamie Contact Sunday Services 10:30am 2515 NW 16th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73107 405-768-2040 contactus@crestwoodvineyard.org Quick links Sundays Events Find a group Watch online Give Sign up for our weekly email: Success! Email...
Jim Reznicek

Jim Reznicek

« Back Jim Reznicek Route 12 Director Email Jim Contact Sunday Services 10:30am 2515 NW 16th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73107 405-768-2040 contactus@crestwoodvineyard.org Quick links Sundays Events Find a group Watch online Give Sign up for our weekly email: Success! Email...