Crestwood Ladies’ Christmas Party

Crestwood Ladies’ Christmas Party

« Back Crestwood Ladies’ “Let’s Get Ready For Christmas” Party A time to prepare our hearts for Christmas Nov 30, 2023 at 6:30pm9201 Sutton Pl Oklahoma City, OK 73132 We’re meeting at the home of Deby Justus for an Ornament...
Christmas at Crestwood

Christmas at Crestwood

« Back Christmas at Crestwood We hope you join our Crestwood Family festivities this holiday season! Gifts for Whiz Kids The CVKids will be sharing their Christmas spirit with Whiz Kids this year by giving each family a family style board game along with a bag...
Advent Daily Devotionals

Advent Daily Devotionals

« Back Advent Daily Devotional Advent is the time in which we hold the tensions of all our hopes, joys, and longings for Jesus and his appearance in our lives. As a way to help you in meeting with Jesus in this Christmas season, Vineyard has developed this...
imagine (create, share, grow)

imagine (create, share, grow)

« Back imagine (create, share, grow) Imagine Show and Tell 3rd Friday of each monthWe meet in person monthly the third Friday at 7PM at Crestwood Vineyard. We give different ones an opportunity to show something they have created and discuss their own creative...
Drawn Away Women’s Retreat

Drawn Away Women’s Retreat

« Back Drawn Away Women’s Retreat November 4th, 9am-5pm We’ve been given intimate access to the heart of God, and when we draw near to him, he will draw near to us. Women’s Drawn Away is a prayer retreat devoted to resting, connecting, and...