Family Easter Celebration

Family Easter Celebration

« Back Easter Celebration Family Service April 17 Celebrate the Resurrection with us Sunday, April 17th at 10:30am. We will have the nursery available for infants and toddlers, and all other kids will be with adults for our Family Easter Celebration. We will...
Good Friday Service

Good Friday Service

« Back Good Friday Service Worship | Readings | Communion We will gather Friday, April 15, to remember and consider Jesus’ sacrificial death so that we could be free from the power of sin, guilt, and shame. Before there is an Easter, there was a Good...
Got questions? Try Alpha

Got questions? Try Alpha

« Back Alpha Course For those who have questions about life or faith Wednesdays 6:30-8pm March 23 – June 1 Alpha is a place for those who are not part of the church or the Christian faith to explore the big questions of life: Why am I here? Is there more...
40 Days of Decrease

40 Days of Decrease

« Back 40 Days of Decrease A different kind of hunger. A different kind of fast. Wednesdays 7-8pm March 2 – April 13 We want to invite anyone interested to join Charles and Laura Leigh for a 6-week Lenten devotional book, “40 Days of Decrease: A...
The “Unofficial” Women’s Group

The “Unofficial” Women’s Group

« Back The “Unofficial” Women’s Group Join us for a monthly gathering to enjoy a meal and fellowship. Invite your friends! Anyone is welcome! We meet monthly on the 1st Tuesday of the month, 6:30-8pm. Location varies each month. Inquiries...