by Jeanine Blount | Dec 30, 2019
« Back Charles Bello Coaching pastor Charles has over four decades of ministry experience in leading churches. He was our founding pastor when we planted Crestwood Vineyard in 2013. He now serves as a coach to leaders in the church and also focuses on spiritual...
by Jeanine Blount | Dec 30, 2019
« Back Angie Whiting Associate pastor Angie has a heart to see identity and authority restored to all of God’s kids. She has seven years of experience in Sozo, an inner healing ministry, and is the Sozo Facilitator at Crestwood. Angie serves as the director of our...
by Jeanine Blount | Dec 30, 2019
« Back Jeanine Blount Senior pastor Jeanine Blount is a pastor, teacher, and mentor who serves as senior pastor of Crestwood Vineyard Church. Her passion is teaching kingdom theology and how that intersects with our current cultural moment. She also serves on the...
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