by Jeanine Blount | Aug 3, 2021
« Back Mike Hutchings | Aug 8th Mike was a huge blessing to our Crestwood family when he spent a weekend with us at the end of February. We are blessed that he has agreed to minister again to our church family while he is in OKC on Aug 8th. Mike will speak...
by Jeanine Blount | Jun 28, 2021
« Back Chris Reed Pastor Chris Reed received the baptism of the Spirit at 8 years old. Being that the Reed family has been in the Pentecostal movement since 1930’s, he had a solid background of Pentecostal history. Feeling the call to minister at 12, he started...
by Jeanine Blount | May 27, 2021
« Back Praying the Daily Office 9:30 – 10:15 AM Sunday mornings Fixed-hour prayer, sometimes called the Daily Office or the Divine Hours, is the regular and consistent pattern of praying at set times throughout the day. Usually these times consist of...
by Jeanine Blount | May 27, 2021
« Back A Night at the Stanlakes June 5th, 2021, 5-8pm 8825 NW 71ST ST OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73132 A time of sharing, worship, and prayer. Bring a chair. Bring a Bible. Bring an instrument if you wish. If the group is larger, we’ll meet outside. If smaller,...
by Jeanine Blount | May 25, 2021
« Back Discovering and Demonstrating the Kingdom Discovering and Demonstrating the Kingdom class will provide a weekly environment for community, teaching, and ministry. Teaching topics will include both the theology of the kingdom and practical ministry skills...
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