Coffee and Stories with Becky

Coffee and Stories with Becky

« Back Coffee and Stories with Becky Looking for community with our CV family? Becky Bish hosts this time to brings us together for personal stories that will make us laugh and get to know each other better. Bring your own coffee! 9:00-10:30am every Wednesday...
School of the Prophetic

School of the Prophetic

« Back School of the Prophetic We gather to learn more about how the Holy Spirit speaks to us in order to edify, build up and encourage one another (1 Cor. 14:3,4). We will worship together, and there will be time for teaching and practice.   Please contact...
Angie Kelley

Angie Kelley

« Back Angie Kelley Evangelism Trainer Email Angie Contact Sunday Services 10:30am 2515 NW 16th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73107 405-768-2040 Quick links Sundays Events Find a group Watch online Give Sign up for our weekly email:...
Jeff and Christa Reeder

Jeff and Christa Reeder

« Back Jeff and Christa Reeder Board of Elders Jeff and Christa both serve as Board members at Crestwood. Jeff heads our security team, and Christa heads up our prophetic ministry. Email Christa Email Jeff Contact Sunday Services 10:30am 2515 NW 16th St. Oklahoma...
Rick and Sandy Drapeau

Rick and Sandy Drapeau

« Back Rick and Sandy Drapeau Board of Elders Rick and Sandy are members of our Board of Elders. Sandy is part of the leadership of Route 12, and Rick is a leader of our Sunday morning Connect Group and Morning Prayer. Email Sandy Email Rick Contact Sunday...