by Jeanine Blount | Aug 19, 2023
Celebrate 10 Years with us! Sunday Sept 3rd Join us Sunday morning, Sept 3rd for a special service to celebrate 10 years of Crestwood Vineyard! Additionally, we will be praying for our Serve the Nations team that is leaving for 5 weeks to South Africa. Following the...
by Jeanine Blount | Aug 19, 2023
Becoming Better Neighbors A weekend with the VUSA Hispanic Association: Sept 9-10 We are seeking God’s heart for how we are to partner with him to serve the hispanic community around us. Please plan to join us on Sept 9-10 as a Ruben Quintero and Mauricio...
by Jeanine Blount | Aug 19, 2023
« Back Prayer for Serve the Nations in South Africa Team members will be traveling to South Africa on various trips from Sept 6 to October 12 Please be praying for: Ministry in South Africa Equipping the churches to live the mission and ministry of JesusMany...
by Jeanine Blount | Aug 19, 2023
Worship Night First Thursdays of the month at 6-8pm This will be open for anyone to come and worship with a group of people leading. All call for anyone who is on the worship team can join the band. This will be less formal and more of a time to just praise God with...
by Jeanine Blount | Jul 8, 2023
« Back Young Adults House Church Resuming in Jan 2024Join us for a monthly time to gather together and grow together. Each month, we will have a special guest who presents on a topic related to discipleship and how to live an authentic faith as a young adult...
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