by Jeanine Blount | Feb 10, 2021
« Back Healing Trauma and PTSD with DR. MIKE HUTCHINGS Dr. Mike Hutchings will be with us Feb 26-28 to minister to our congregation on the topic of healing trauma and PTSD. Please join us in person in the sanctuary or on Zoom: Friday, Feb 26 at 7:00-9:30pm (zoom...
by Jeanine Blount | Jan 1, 2021
« Back Ren Schuffman Pastor Ren Schuffman is the senior pastor of Freedom Fellowship Church in Mustang OK, a suburb of Oklahoma city. He flows in a strong healing and prophetic anointing. He is a church planter, musician, international speaker and revivalist. Pastor...
by Jeanine Blount | Nov 27, 2020
« Back Inbreaking The Kingdom Come at Christmas Please download the following devotional for Advent. Download Contact Sunday Services 10:30am 2515 NW 16th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73107 405-768-2040 Quick links Sundays Events Find a...
by Jeanine Blount | Nov 12, 2020
« Back Kim Maas Dr. Kim Maas is a Woman of God called to speak, preach, and prophesy. She is an international speaker and the founder of Kim Maas Ministries, Inc. After a radical encounter with the Holy Spirit March 22, 1994, Kim left her twenty-two-year nursing...
by Jeanine Blount | Nov 11, 2020
« Back Brian Blount Brian’s role at Crestwood is equipping people in healing, power evangelism, and prophetic ministry both within Crestwood, throughout the US, and internationally. He is passionate about living a lifestyle of putting Jesus on display with love and...
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