by Jeanine Blount | Apr 7, 2020
« Back Easter Celebration and Outreach We have decided to continue social distancing precautions AND still meet as a church on Easter Sunday. We will use this opportunity to both celebrate the resurrection of Jesus together and reach out to our neighbors around...
by Jeanine Blount | Apr 7, 2020
« Back Good Friday Service Join us as we gather on Good Friday to worship the Lord and intercede for our church and city. We will engage in corporate intercession, small group prayer, communion, and reflection on the cross and death of Jesus. Friday, April 10 at...
by Jeanine Blount | Apr 7, 2020
« Back Weekly Check-In Zooms Monday nights at 7-8pm Pop in to say hello, share how you are doing, hear from your Crestwood friends, or receive prayer. Pastors will be available to break off into “zoom rooms” for prayer or conversation as well. Join Zoom...
by Jeanine Blount | Apr 7, 2020
« Back Pause and Pray (Centering Prayer) Led by Charles Bello & Jordan Gullo Wednesday Evenings 7PM Centering Prayer is a form of wordless, contemplative prayer where the pray-er seeks to quietly rest and be still in the loving presence of God. This form of prayer...
by Jeanine Blount | Apr 4, 2020
« Back Coronavirus and the Church Panel Discussion Our panel of experts address the following topics: Concerns about Coronavirus and precautions we should take How to address our fears about the virus How to manage the additional stress, anxiety, and depression...
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